1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
8. Timing and Clocking
8.1 Paradyne mpe_Config MIB (mpe_Config.mib )
The tabular object mpeDevConfigClockSrcEntry defined in mpe_Config.mib provides the
capability of choosing network timing reference source on the GranDSLAM.
The mpeDevCfgClkWhichSrc object takes the following two values:
• primary(1), this chooses the primary master clock source,
• secondary(2), this chooses the secondary master clock source.
Write access to this object is not supported. Only “primary(1)” is granted.
The mpeDevCfgClkSource object is used to select the source for the master clock for the
device. The source selected provides synchronization for all the timing within the device. It
contains the following values:
• internal(1), Master clock is the internal clock,
• external(2), Master clock is the external clock source,
Write access to this object is supported; Only “internal(1)” and “interface (3)” are granted.
The mpeDevCfgClkIfIndex is used to select the interface to be used as the source for the
master clock for the device, if mpeDevCfgClkSource is set to interface(3).
The value of entPhysicalIndex is the physical index of this card itself, which uniquely
identifies the stackable unit.
8.2 Paradyne Config MIB (pdn_Config.mib)
The pdn_config MIB is specifically used to configure overall test timeouts. The objects
supported are:
8.2.1 devConfigTestTimeout:
The valid values are :
Table 1-90. mpeDevConfigClockSrcEntry
Table Object Type Access Supported
mpeDevConfigClockSrcEntry mpeDevCfgClkWhichSrc INTEGER read-write Yes
mpeDevCfgClkSource INTEGER read-write Yes
mpeDevCfgClkIfIndex Integer32 read-write Yes
entPhysicalIndex PhysicalIndex not-accessible Yes
Table 1-91. pdn_Config.mib
Table Object Type Access Supported
devConfigTestTimer Yes
devConfigTestTimeout INTEGER read-write Yes
devConfigTestDuration INTEGER read-write Yes