1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
9.2 Paradyne Security MIB (pdn_Security.mib):
The pdn_security MIB is used for enabling applications control security aspects of the unit
for the purpose of Telnet, FTP, and so on. The various objects supported are as follows:
9.2.1 devSecurityMgrValidation (RW):
This object is used to either enable or disable SNMP source IP validation. When enabled
the first check on any incoming PDU is based on the source IP address of the datagram. If
the IP address is configured in the securityMgrTable then the community name is checked.
If the community name is correct then the lowest access level between the table and the
community name is taken. By default, this object is set to disable(1).
9.2.2 devSecurityMgrMaxNumber (RO):
The maximum number of managers allowed in the devSecurityMgrTable.
9.2.3 devSecurityMgrCurrentNumber (RO):
The current number of managers in the devSecurityMgrTable..
9.2.4 securityMgrTable:
A list of the security manager entries. The various objects supported are: securityMgrIpAddress (NA):
This is used to specify the IP address that identifies the SNMP manager(s) that are
authorized to send SNMP messages. securityMgrSubnetMask (NA):
This object is used to specify the subnet mask. securityMgrSnmpAccess (RW):
This is used to specify the snmp access to the device. This object is tied with the
securityMgrTelnetAccess and securityMgrFtpAccess. That is, changing the SnmpAccess
will also change those two objects.
Table 1-94. pdn_Security.mib
Table Object Type Supported
scalar object devSecurityMgrValidation INTEGER Yes
scalar object devSecurityMgrMaxNumber INTEGER Yes
scalar object devSecurityMgrCurrentNumber INTEGER Yes
securityMgrTable securityMgrIpAddress IpAddress Yes
securityMgrSubnetMask IpAddress Yes
securityMgrSnmpAccess INTEGER Yes
securityMgrTelnetAccess INTEGER Yes
securityMgrFtpAccess INTEGER Yes
securityMgrTrapAccess INTEGER Yes
securityMgrRowStatus RowStatus Yes