1. Network Management Specification
38 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
5.6 SONET-MIB (RFC 2558)
5.6.1 sonetMediumEntry
5.6.2 sonetSESthresholdSet
This scalar object will be supported read-only.
5.6.3 sonetPathCurrentWidth
This scalar object will be supported read-only.
Table 1-33. SONET-MIB
Table Comments
sonetMediumEntry Some objects are supported read-only
sonetSectionCurrentEntry Supported as is
sonetSectionIntervalEntry Supported as is
sonetLineCurrentEntry Supported as is
sonetLineIntervalEntry Supported as is
sonetFarEndLineCurrentEntry Supported as is
sonetFarEndLineIntervalEntry Supported as is
sonetPathCurrentEntry Supported as is
sonetPathIntervalEntry Supported as is
sonetFarEndPathCurrentEntry Supported as is
sonetFarEndPathIntervalEntry Supported as is
Table 1-34. sonetMediumEntry
Table Comments
sonetMediumType Supported read-write
sonetMediumTimeElapsed Supported read-only
sonetMediumValidIntervals Supported read-only
sonetMediumLineCoding Supported read-only
sonetMediumLineType Supported read-only
sonetMediumCircuitIdentifier Supported read-write
sonetMediumInvalidIntervals Supported read-only
sonetMediumLoopbackConfig Supported read-write