
1. Network Management Specification
8000-A2-GB30-00 June 2003
69 entityGeneral Group.
This group will be supported as specified in RFC 2737. entityNotifications Group
An entConfigChange notification is generated when the value of entLastChangeTime
changes. It can be utilized by an NMS to trigger logical/physical entity table maintenance
polls. This trap will be generated as specified in the RFC 2737.
7.2 Paradyne Entity MIB extension (mpe_dslam.mib)
The following MIB table will extend the entityMIB (RFC 2737).
The following subsections highlights special cases and/or limitations on the support of some
objects in this table.
7.2.1 mpeEntPhysicalExtAdminStatus
This object allows managers to set the administrative status of each entity. All the entities
dynamically discovered by the device will have an adminstatus set to ’up’ by default. This
object will be supported read-only.
Table 1-79. entPhysicalChildIndex
Entity entPhysicalIndex entPhysicalChildIndex Semantic
Chassis 0001000000 0001ss0000 A chassis contains ’ss’ containers, ss=[1..20].
0001ss010x A chassis contains a sensor ’x’, x=[1..3].
0001ss011x A chassis contains a fan “x”, x=[1..1]
0001ss013x A chassis contains a powersupply “x”, x=[1..2]
Container 0001ss0000 0001ss000y A container ’ss’ contains module ’y’, ss=[1..20],
Module 0001ss0001 0001ss1yyy A module (e.g portcard) contains up to 24 DSL
ports, where yyy=[1..24]
0001ss1801 A module entity contains a console port.
0001001802 A module entity contains a ethernet management
0001ss0121 A module entity contains a Mgmt Plane PLD
Table 1-80. Paradyne Entity MIB Extension
Table Comments
mpeEntPhysicalExtEntry Supported as is