1. Network Management Specification
46 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
6.2 ATM Traffic Descriptor Group (RFC 2515)
This table contains a set of self-consistent ATM traffic parameters including the ATM
traffic service category, The ATM virtual link tables (that is, VPL and VCL tables), will
use this ATM Traffic Descriptor table to assign traffic parameters and service category to
the receive and transmit directions of the ATM virtual links (that is, VPLs and VCLs), The
ATM VPL or VCL table will indicate a row, in the atmTrafficDescrParamTable using its
atmTrafficDescrParamIndex value. The management application can then compare a set of
ATM traffic parameters with a single value. If no suitable row(s) in the
atmTrafficDescrParamTable exists, the manager must create a new row(s) in this table. If
such a row is created, agent checks the sanity of that set of ATM traffic parameter values.
The manager may use atmTrafficDescrParamIndexNext in order to obtain a free
atmTrafficDescrParamIndex value. When creating a new row, the parameter values will be
checked for self-consistency. Predefined/template rows may be supported. A row in the
atmTrafficDescrParamTable is deleted by setting the atmTrafficDescrRowStatus to
destroy(6). The agent will check whether this row is still in use by any entry of the
atmVplTable or atmVclTable. The agent denies the request if the row is still in use. “atmServiceCategory” Object (atmTrafficDescrParamEntry 10)
The only valid value for this object is :
• UBR(6) -- unspecified bit rate.
• CBR(2) - constant bit rate
• nrt-VBR(4) - Variable bit rate - non real time
• rt-VBR(3) - Variable bit rate - real time
6.2.1 Virtual Channel Link (VCL) Configuration Group (RFC 2515)
This table contains configuration and state information of a bi-directional Virtual Channel
Link (VCL) at an ATM interface. This table can be used to create, delete or modify a VCL
that is terminated in an ATM host or switch. This table can also be used to create, delete or
modify a VCL that is cross-connected to another VCL. ATM Interface Virtual Channel Link
(VCL) Table, atmVclEntry is fully supported and contains the following objects:
Table 1-54. Traffic Descriptor Types