1. Network Management Specification
92 June 2003 8000-A2-GB30-00
10. Status and Alarms.
10.1 Paradyne Syslog MIB (pdn_syslog.mib):
The pdn_syslog MIB defines a collection of objects for managing syslog messages. The
objects are used to configure both syslog functions and syslog daemons. This MIB also
allows one to retrieve syslog message from a device.
10.1.1 pdnSyslogStatus (RW):
Valid values are disable (1), enable (2). This object allows user to disable or enable syslog
event generation.
10.1.2 pdnSyslogIPAddr (RW):
This value is the IP address of a syslog server. If the ip address is known then this can be
used for the remote syslog daemon.
10.1.3 pdnSyslogLevel:
This object has been deprecated.
10.1.4 pdnSyslogPort (RW):
This value corresponds to a UDP port number to which system events are sent. The default
is 514.
Table 1-96. Syslog MIB
Table Comments
pdnEntitySyslogEntry Supported as is
pdnSyslogStatus Supported as is
pdnSyslogIPAddr Supported as is
pdnSyslogLevel Supported as is
pdnSyslogPort Supported as is
pdnSyslogSeverityThreshold Supported as is
pdnSyslogRemoteDaemon Supported as is
pdnSyslogNumOfMsgInTable Supported as is
pdnSyslogMaxTableSize Supported as is
pdnSyslogClearTable Supported as is
pdnSyslogMsgToConsole Supported as is
pdnSyslogRateLimiting Supported as is