
Chapter 2-Additional Conferencing Information
Setting the flags in the MGC
Flag setting is required to ensure the correct MCU behavior for cascading
conferences. It is performed once per MCU.
1 In the MGC Manager, right-click the MCU icon and then click MCU
Utils>Edit “system.cfg”.
2 In the H264 Section, ensure that the following flags are set to:
Setting this flag to YES enables H.264 Standard Definition (SD),
High Definition (HD) and VSX 8000 (Version 8.0) support in
Video Switching conferences.
Setting this flag to NO disables the highest common mechanism
in H.264 and enables the selection of H.264 Video Protocol in
RMX 2000
to MGC
Set the appropriate flags
(done once only)
Set the appropriate flags (done
once only)
Define the cascade-enabled
Entry Queue.
Define the conference
setting and its line rate to be
the same as the one set on
the RMX 2000.
Define the conference setting
and its line rate to be the same
as the one set on the MGC.
Define the dial-out participant
(Cascaded Link) to the
conference running on the
MGC, setting the participant
Cascade parameter to Slave.
Table 2-18 Set up Procedures according to the Dialing Direction
MGC Level 1 RMX 2000 Level 2