
Chapter 6-Reservations
6 Click the Participants tab.
A series of Reservations can be set to end after a specified number of
occurrences or by a specific date. Select one of the following methods of
terminating the series of Reservations:
End After End After: x Occurrences - Ends a recurring series of
Reservations after a specific number (x) of occurrences.
Default: 1
(Leaving the field blank defaults to 1 occurrence.)
End by Date End By Date: mm/dd/yyyy - Specifies a date for the last
occurrence of the recurring series of Reservations. The End
By Date value can be adjusted by typing in the date field or
by clicking the arrow button and using the calendar utility.
Default: Current date.
Table 6-3 New Reservation – Schedule Tab (Continued)
Field Description
Participants List