
Polycom RMX 2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
An administrator can assign a new password to a user at any time.
Forcing Password Change
When the system is in Enhanced Security Mode the user is forced to change
his/her password as follows:
After modifying the value of the JITC_MODE System Flag to YES, all
RMX users are forced to change their Login passwords.
When an administrator creates a new user, the user is forced to
change his/her password on first Login.
If an administrator changes a users User ID name, that user is forced
to change his/her password on his/her next Login.
If a user logs in using his/her old or default password, the Login
attempt will fail. An error, User must change password, is displayed.
Changes made by the administrator to any of the Strong Password
enforcement System Flags render users’ passwords invalid.
Example: A user is logged in with a fifteen character password. The
administrator changes the value of the MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH
System Flag to 20.
The next time the user tries to log in, he/she is forced to change his/her
password to meet the updated Strong Password requirements.
Temporary User Lockout
When the JITC_MODE System Flag is set to YES, Temporary User Lockout
is implemented as a defense against Denial of Service Attacks or Brutal
Attacks. Such attacks usually take the form of automated rapid Login
attempts with the aim of gaining access to or rendering the target system
(any network entity) unable to respond to users.
If a user tries to log in to the system and the Login is unsuccessful, the
user’s next Login attempt only receives a response from the RMX after 4
User Lockout
User Lockout can be enabled to lock a user out of the system after three
consecutive Login failures with same User Name. The user is disabled and
only the administrator can enable the user within the system. User
Lockout is enabled when the USER_LOCKOUT System Flag is set to YES.