Polycom RMX 2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
Active Alarms and Troubleshooting
Active Alarms
The following active alarms may be displayed in the RMX System Alerts
pane when the RMX is configured for integration in the OCS
Table H-2 New Active Alarms
Alarm Code Alarm Description
SIP TLS: Failed to load or verify
certificate files
This alarm indicates that the certificate files
required for SIP TLS could not be loaded to
the RMX. Possible causes are:
• Incorrect certificate file name. Only files
with the following names can be loaded
to the system: rootCA.pem, pkey.pem,
cert.pem and certPassword.txt
• Wrong certificate file type. Only files of
the following types can be loaded to the
system: rootCA.pem, pkey.pem and
cert.pem and certPassword.txt
• The contents of the certificate file does
not match the system parameters
SIP TLS: Registration transport
This alarm indicates that the communication
with the SIP server cannot be established.
Possible causes are:
• Incorrect IP address of the SIP server
• The SIP server listening port is other than
the one defined in the system
• The OCS services are stopped
Sometimes this alarm may be activated
without real cause. Resetting the MCU may
clear the alarm.