Polycom RMX 2000 Administrator’s Guide
The order of the Auditor File Viewer field header columns can be
changed and the fields can be sorted and filtered to facilitate different
analysis methods.
2 In the event list, click the events or use the keyboard’s Up-arrow and
Down-arrow keys to display the Request Transaction and Response
Transaction XML trees for each audit event.
The transaction XML trees can be expanded and collapsed by clicking
the expand
() and collapse () buttons.
Event The process, action, request or transaction that was
performed or rejected.
• POST:SET transactions (API)
• Configuration changes via XML (API)
• Login/Logout (API)
• Startup (RMX Internal Event)
• Shutdown (RMX Internal Event)
• Reset (RMX Internal Event)
• Enter Diagnostic Mode (RMX Internal Event)
• IP address changes via USB (RMX Internal Event)
Process Completed Status of the process, action, request or transaction
returned by the system:
• Yes – performed by the system.
• No – rejected by the system.
Description A text string describing the process, action, request or
An optional text string describing the process, action,
request or transaction in additional detail.
Table 17-3 Auditor Event Columns (Continued)
Field Description