
Polycom RMX 2000/4000 Administrator’s Guide
Product Type - The MCU type: RMX 2000 or RMX 4000.
Before connecting to the MCU for the first time, the RMX type is
unknown so RMX is displayed instead as a general indication.
Video Resources - The number of video resources that are
available for conferencing.
Audio Resources - The number of audio resources that are
available for conferencing.
Starting the RMX Manager Application
Once installed, the RMX Manager can be run using the http:// (non-
secured) or
https:// (secured) command in the browser’s address line or
the Windows Start menu.
To use the browser:
1 In the browser’s command line, enter:
http://<MCU Control Unit IP Address>/RmxManager.html
https://<MCU Control Unit IP Address>/RmxManager.html
2 Press Enter.
To use the Windows Start menu:
1 Click Start > Programs.
a If the RMX Manager appears in the recently used programs list,
click RMX Manager in the list to start the application.
b Click All Programs > Polycom > RMX Manager.