Appendix C-CDR Fields - Unformatted File
IP Address Note: This field is only relevant to IP participants.
The IP address of the participant.
An address of 4294967295 indicates that no IP address
was specified for the participant, and the gatekeeper is
used for routing. In all other cases the address overrides
the gatekeeper.
Signaling Port Note: This field is only relevant to IP participants.
The signaling port used for participant connection.
A value of 65535 is ignored by MCU.
H.323 Participant
Alias Type/SIP
Participant Address
Note: This field is only relevant to IP participants.
For H.323 participants, the alias type, as follows:
7 - E164
8 - H.323 ID
13 - Email ID
14 - Participant number
For SIP participants, the address type, as follows:
2 - Tel URL
H.323 Participant
Alias Name/SIP
Participant Address
Note: This field is only relevant to IP participants.
For H.323 participants:
The participant alias.
The alias may contain up to 512 characters.
For SIP participants:
The participant address.
The address may contain up to 80 characters.
Table C-19 Event Fields for Event 18 - NEW UNDEFINED PARTICIPANT
Field Description