
Frames of xx Bytes — Number of xx-byte frames received on the interface since the device was last refreshed.
2. Select an interface (Port or LAG) in the Interface eld. The RMON statistics are displayed.
To update the refresh time:
To change the refresh rate for statistics, select another rate from the Refresh Rate dropdown list.
To reset RMON statistics counters:
1. Open the RMON Statistics Page.
2. Click . The RMON statistics counters are cleared.
15.2.2 Conguring RMON History
This section contains the following topics:
Dening RMON History Control
Viewing the RMON History Table Dening RMON History Control
The RMON History Control Page contains information about samples of data taken from ports. For example, the samples
may include interface denitions or polling periods.
To set RMON history control:
1. Click System > Statistics > RMON > History. The RMON History Control Page opens:
Figure 137: RMON History Control Page
The RMON History Control Page contains the following
History Entry No. — Displays the entry number for
the History Control Table page.
Source Interface — Displays the interface from which
the history samples were taken. The possible field
values are:
Port — Species the port from which the RMON information was taken.
LAG — Species the port from which the RMON information was taken.
Sampling Interval — Indicates in seconds the time that samplings are taken from the ports. The eld range is 1-3600.
The default is 1800 seconds (equal to 30 minutes).
Samples Requested — Displays the number of samples to be saved. The eld range is 1-65535. The default value is
Current Number of Samples in List — Displays the current number of samples taken.
Owner — Displays the RMON station or user that requested the RMON information. The eld range is 0-20 characters.
Remove — Removes History Control entries. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected History Control entry.
Unchecked — Maintains the current History Control entries.
2. Click . The Add History Entry User Page opens: