
SNMP view.
Remove — Deletes the currently selected view. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected view.
Unchecked — Maintains the list of views.
2. Click . The Add SNMP View Page opens:
Figure 102: Add SNMP View Page
3. Dene the View Name eld.
4. Dene the view using and .
5. Dene the View Type eld.
6. Click . The view is dened, and the device is
11.3.3 Dening SNMP Group Proles
The SNMP Security Group Prole Page provides information for creating SNMP groups, and assigning SNMP access control
privileges to SNMP groups. Groups allow network managers to assign access rights to specic device features, or feature
To dene an SNMP group:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Security > Group Prole. The SNMP Security Group Prole Page opens:
Figure 103: SNMP Security Group Prole Page
The SNMP Security Group Profile Page contains the
following elds:
Group Name — Displays the user-defined group to
which access control rules are applied. The eld range
is up to 30 characters.
Security Model — Denes the SNMP version attached
to the group. The possible eld values are:
SNMPv1 — SNMPv1 is dened for the group.
SNMPv2c — SNMPv2c is dened for the group.
SNMPv3 — SNMPv3 is dened for the group.
Security Level — Denes the security level attached to the group. Security levels apply to SNMPv3 only.
The possible eld values are:
No Authentication — Indicates that neither the Authentication nor the Privacy security levels are assigned to the group.
Authentication — Authenticates SNMP messages, and ensures that the SNMP message’s origin is authenticated.
Privacy — Encrypts SNMP messages.
Operation — Denes the group access rights. The possible eld values are:
Read — Management access is restricted to read-only, and changes cannot be made to the assigned SNMP view.
Write — Management access is read-write and changes can be made to the assigned SNMP view.
Notify — Sends traps for the assigned SNMP view.
Remove — Removes SNMP groups. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected SNMP group.
Unchecked — Maintains the SNMP groups.