– Unchecked — Maintains the list of recipients.
2. Click . The Add SNMP Notication Receiver Page opens:
Figure 116: Add SNMP Notication Receiver Page
3. Dene the Recipient IP, Notication Type, SNMPV1,v2c
or SNMPv3, UPD Port, Filter Name, Timeout, and
Retries elds.
4. Click . The SNMP Notification recipients are
dened, and the device is updated.
To modify SNMP notication recipients:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Notification
> Notification Receiver. The SNMP Notification
Receiver Page opens:
2. Click . The SNMP Notification Receiver Settings
Page opens:
Figure 117: SNMP Notication Receiver Settings Page
3. Modify the Notication Type, SNMPV1,v2c or SNMPv3,
UPD Port, Filter Name, TImeout, and Retries elds.
4. Click . The SNMP notification recipients are
dened, and the device is updated.