
Section 14. Performing Device Diagnostics
This section contains the following topics:
Conguring Port Mirroring
Viewing Integrated Cable Tests
Viewing Optical Transceivers
14.1 Conguring Port Mirroring
Port mirroring monitors and mirrors network trafc by forwarding copies of incoming and outgoing packets from one port to a
monitoring port. Port mirroring can be used as a diagnostic tool as well as a debugging feature. Port mirroring also enables
switch performance monitoring.
Network administrators can congure port mirroring by selecting a specic port from which to copy all packets, and other
ports to which the packets copied.
To perform port mirroring diagnostics:
1. Click System > Maintenance > Diagnostics > Port Mirroring. The Port Mirroring Page opens:
Figure 127: Port Mirroring Page
The Port Mirroring Page contains the following elds:
Destination Port — Denes the port number to which
port trafc is copied.
Transmit Packets — Denes the how the packets are
mirrored. The possible eld values are:
Untagged — Mirrors packets as untagged VLAN
packets. This is the default value.
Tagged — Mirrors packets as tagged VLAN packets.
Source Port — Indicates the port from which the packets are mirrored.
Type — Indicates the port mode conguration for port mirroring. The possible eld values are:
RX — Denes the port mirroring on receiving ports.
TX — Denes the port mirroring on transmitting ports.
Both — Denes the port mirroring on both receiving and transmitting ports. This is the default value.
Remove — Removes the port mirroring session. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected port mirroring sessions.
Unchecked — Maintains the port mirroring session.
2. Click . The Add Port Mirroring Page opens:
Figure 128: Add Port Mirroring Page
3. Select a port in the Source Port eld.
4. Select a port type in the Type eld.
5. Click . The port mirroring session is dened,
and the device is updated.