
2. Click . The Add SNMP Group Prole Page opens:
Figure 104: Add SNMP Group Prole Page
3. Dene the Group Name, Security Model, Security Level,
and Operation elds.
4. Click . The SNMP group prole is added, and
the device is updated.
To modify the SNMP Group settings:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Security > Group Prole. The SNMP Security Group Prole Page opens.
2. Click . The SNMP Group Prole Settings Page opens:
Figure 105: SNMP Group Prole Settings Page
3. Modify the Group Name, Security Model, Security
Level, and Operation elds.
4. Click
. The SNMP group profile is modified,
and the device is updated.
11.3.4 Dening SNMP Group Members
The SNMP Security Group Membership Page enables assigning system users to SNMP groups, as well as dening the user
authentication method.
To dene SNMP group membership:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Security > Group Membership. The SNMP Security Group Membership Page
Figure 106: SNMP Security Group Membership Page
The SNMP Security Group Membership Page contains the
following elds:
User Name — Contains a list of user-defined user
names. The field range is up to 30 alphanumeric
Group Name — Contains a list of user-dened SNMP
groups. SNMP groups are dened in the SNMP Group Prole Page.
Engine ID — Displays either the local or remote SNMP entity to which the user is connected. Changing or removing the
local SNMP Engine ID deletes the SNMPv3 user database.
Local — Indicates that the user is connected to a local SNMP entity.
Remote — Indicates that the user is connected to a remote SNMP entity. If the Engine ID is dened, remote devices
receive inform messages.
Authentication — Displays the method used to authenticate users. The possible eld values are:
MD5 Key — Users are authenticated using the HMAC-MD5 algorithm.
SHA Key — Users are authenticated using the HMAC-SHA-96 authentication level.
MD5 Password — The HMAC-MD5-96 password is used for authentication. The user should enter a password.