
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Notication > Notication Filter. The SNMP Notication FiIter Page opens:
Figure 113: SNMP Notication FiIter Page
The SNMP Notication FiIter Page contains the following
Filter Name — Contains a list of user-defined
notication lters.
Object ID Subtree — Displays the OID for which
notications are sent or blocked. If a lter is attached to
an OID, traps or informs are generated and sent to the
trap recipients. OIDs are selected from either the Select
from eld or the Object ID eld.
Filter Type — Indicates whether to send traps or informs relating to the selected OID.
Excluded — Does not send traps or informs.
Included — Sends traps or informs.
Remove — Deletes lters.
Checked — Deletes the selected lter.
Unchecked — Maintains the list of lters.
2. Click . The Add SNMP Notication Filter Page opens:
Figure 114: Add SNMP Notication Filter Page
3. Dene the Filter Name, New Object Identier Tree, and
Filter Type elds.
4. Click
. The SNMP notication lter is dened,
and the device is updated.
11.4.3 Dening Notication Receivers
The SNMP Notification Receiver Page contains information for defining filters that determine whether traps are sent to
specic users, and the trap type sent. SNMP notication lters provide the following services:
Identifying Management Trap Targets
Trap Filtering
Selecting Trap Generation Parameters
Providing Access Control Checks
To dene SNMP notication lters:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Notication > Notication Receiver. The SNMP Notication Receiver Page