
1. Click . The RADIUS Server Settings Page opens:
Figure 38: RADIUS Server Settings Page
2. Modify the elds.
3. Click . The RADIUS server settings are saved,
and the device is updated.
5.1.2 Conguring Passwords
This section contains information for dening device passwords, and includes the following topics.
Dening Local Users
Dening Line Passwords
Dening Enable Passwords Dening Local Users
Network administrators can dene users, passwords, and access levels for users using the Local Users Page.
To dene local users:
1. Click System > Management Security > Passwords > Local Users. The Local Users Page opens:
Figure 39: Local Users Page
The Local Users Page contains the following elds:
User Name — Displays the user name.
Access Level — Displays the user access level. The
lowest user access level is 1 and the highest is 15.
Users with access level 15 are Privileged Users.
Reactivate User — Changes the user status to active.
Remove — Removes the user from the User Name list. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected local user.
Unchecked — Maintains the local users.
2. Click . The Add Local User Page opens:
Figure 40: Add Local User Page
In addition to the elds in the Local Users Page, the Add
Local User Page contains the following elds:
Password — Denes the local user password. Local
user passwords can contain up to 159 characters.
Conrm Password — Veries the password.
3. Dene the elds.
4. Click . The Local User password is saved, and the device is updated.