1. Click . The RADIUS Server Settings Page opens:
Figure 38: RADIUS Server Settings Page
2. Modify the elds.
3. Click . The RADIUS server settings are saved,
and the device is updated.
5.1.2 Conguring Passwords
This section contains information for dening device passwords, and includes the following topics.
Dening Local Users
Dening Line Passwords
Dening Enable Passwords Dening Local Users
Network administrators can dene users, passwords, and access levels for users using the Local Users Page.
To dene local users:
1. Click System > Management Security > Passwords > Local Users. The Local Users Page opens:
Figure 39: Local Users Page
The Local Users Page contains the following elds:
User Name — Displays the user name.
Access Level — Displays the user access level. The
lowest user access level is 1 and the highest is 15.
Users with access level 15 are Privileged Users.
Reactivate User — Changes the user status to active.
Remove — Removes the user from the User Name list. The possible eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the selected local user.
– Unchecked — Maintains the local users.
2. Click . The Add Local User Page opens:
Figure 40: Add Local User Page
In addition to the elds in the Local Users Page, the Add
Local User Page contains the following elds:
Password — Denes the local user password. Local
user passwords can contain up to 159 characters.
Conrm Password — Veries the password.
3. Dene the elds.
4. Click . The Local User password is saved, and the device is updated.