Each of the tables contains the following elds:
Prole Name — Contains a list of user-dened authentication prole lists to which user-dened authentication proles
are added.
Methods — Denes the user authentication methods. The possible eld values are:
– None — Assigns no authentication method to the authentication prole.
– Local — Authenticates the user at the device level. The device checks the user name and password for authentication.
– RADIUS — Authenticates the user at the RADIUS server. For more information, see Dening RADIUS Server Settings.
– Line — Authenticates the user using a line password.
– Enable — Authenticates the user using an enable password.
Remove — Removes the selected authentication prole. The possible eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the selected authentication prole.
– Unchecked — Maintains the authentication proles.
2. Click . The Add Authentication Prole Page opens.
Figure 30: Add Authentication Prole Page
3. Dene the Prole Method and enter the Prole Name
4. Select the Authentication Method using the move arrow
5. Click
. The authentication profile is defined,
and the device is updated.
To modify an authentication prole:
1. Click System > Management Security > Authentication > Authentication Proles. The Authentication Proles Page
2. Click . The Authentication Prole Settings Page opens:
Figure 31: Authentication Prole Settings Page
3. Select the Authentication Method using the move arrow
4. Click . The authentication method is selected,
and the device is updated. Mapping Authentication Proles
After authentication proles are dened, they can be applied to management access methods. For example, console users
can be authenticated by Authentication Prole List 1, while Telnet users are authenticated by Authentication Method List 2.
Authentication methods are selected using arrows. The order in which the methods are selected is the order by which the
authentication methods are used.
To map authentication methods:
1. Click System > Management Security > Authentication > Authentication Mapping. The Authentication Mapping
Page opens: