
To dene VLAN membership:
1. Click System > Bridging Config > VLAN >Membership > Membership. The VLAN Member Membership Page
Figure 74: VLAN Member Membership Page
The VLAN Member Membership Page contains the
following elds:
VLAN ID — Displays the user-dened VLAN ID.
VLAN Name — Displays the name of the VLAN
VLAN Type — Indicates the VLAN type. The possible
eld values are:
Dynamic — Indicates the VLAN was dynamically
created through GARP.
Static — Indicates the VLAN is user-dened.
Default — Indicates the VLAN is the default VLAN.
Port — Indicates the port membership.
LAG — Indicates the LAG membership.
U — Indicates the interface is an untagged VLAN member. Packets forwarded by the interface are untagged.
T — Indicates the interface is a tagged member of a VLAN. All packets forwarded by the interface are tagged.
The packets contain VLAN information.
I — Includes the port in the VLAN.
E — Excludes the interface from the VLAN. However, the interface can be added to the VLAN through GARP.
R — Denies the interface VLAN membership, even if GARP indicates the port is to be added.
7.3.3 Dening VLAN Interface Settings
The VLAN Interface Settings Page contains elds for managing ports that are part of a VLAN. The Port Default VLAN ID (PVID)
is congured on the VLAN Interface Settings Page. All untagged packets arriving at the device are tagged with the port PVID.
To dene VLAN interfaces:
1. Click System > Bridging Cong > VLAN > Membership > Interface Settings. The VLAN Interface Settings Page
Figure 75: VLAN Interface Settings Page
The VLAN Interface Settings Page contains the following
Interface — Displays the port number included in the
Interface VLAN Mode — Displays the port mode. The
possible values are:
General — Indicates the port belongs to VLANs, and
each VLAN is user-dened as tagged or untagged
(full IEEE802.1q mode).
Access — Indicates a port belongs to a single
untagged VLAN. When a port is in Access mode, the
packet types which are accepted on the port cannot
be designated. Ingress ltering cannot be enabled or