Prex Length — Denes the number of bits that comprise the source IP address prex, or the network mask of the
source IP address.
Action — Denes the action attached to the rule. The possible eld values are:
– Permit — Permits access to the device.
– Deny — Denies access to the device. This is the default.
Remove — Removes rules from the selected access proles. The possible eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the selected rule from the access prole.
– Unchecked — Maintains the rules attached to the access prole.
2. Click . The Add Prole Rule Page opens:
Figure 27: Add Prole Rule Page
3. Dene the elds.
4. Click . The prole rule is added to the access
prole, and the device is updated.
To modify a Prole Rule:
1. Click Security > Management Security >
Authentication > Access Prole. The Access Prole
Page opens.
2. Click . The Prole Rule Settings Page opens:
Figure 28: Prole Rule Settings Page
3. Modify the elds.
4. Click . The profile rule is modified, and the
device is updated. Dening Authentication Proles
Authentication profiles allow network administrators to assign authentication methods for user authentication. User
authentication can be performed either locally or on an external server. User authentication occurs in the order the methods
are selected. If the rst authentication method is not available, the next selected method is used. For example, if the selected
authentication methods are RADIUS and Local, and the RADIUS server is not available, then the user is authenticated
To dene Authentication proles:
1. Click System > Management Security > Authentication > Authentication Proles. The Authentication Proles Page
Figure 29: Authentication Proles Page
The Authentication Profiles Page provides the following
Login Authentication Proles
Enable Authentication Proles