Figure 36: Radius Page
The Default Parameters section of the Radius Page
contains the following elds:
Retries — Denes the number of transmitted requests
sent to the RADIUS server before a failure occurs.
Possible eld values are 1-10. The default value is 3.
Timeout for Reply — Defines the amount of time
(in seconds) the device waits for an answer from the
RADIUS server before retrying the query, or switching to
the next server. Possible eld values are 1-30. The default value is 3.
Dead Time — Denes the default amount of time (in minutes) that a RADIUS server is bypassed for service requests.
The range is 0-2000. The default value is 0.
Key String — Defines the default key string used for authenticating and encrypting all RADIUS communications
between the device and the RADIUS server. This key must match the RADIUS encryption.
Source IP Address — Denes the default IP address of a device accessing the RADIUS server.
The Radius Page also contains the following elds:
IP Address — Lists the RADIUS server IP addresses.
Priority — Displays the RADIUS server priority. The possible values are 1-65535, where 1 is the highest value. The
RADIUS server priority is used to congure the server query order.
Authentication Port — Identies the authentication port. The authentication port is used to verify the RADIUS server
authentication. The authenticated port default is 1812.
Number of Retries — Denes the number of transmitted requests sent to the RADIUS server before a failure occurs.
The possible eld values are 1-10. Three is the default value.
Timeout for Reply — Denes the amount of time (in seconds) the device waits for an answer from the RADIUS server
before retrying the query, or switching to the next server. The possible eld values are 1-30. Three is the default value.
Dead Time — Denes the amount of time (in minutes) that a RADIUS server is bypassed for service requests. The
range is 0-2000. The default is 0 minutes.
Source IP Address — Denes the source IP address that is used for communication with RADIUS servers.
Usage Type — Species the RADIUS server authentication type. The default value is All. The possible eld values are:
– Log in — Indicates the RADIUS server is used for authenticating user name and passwords.
– 802.1X — Indicates the RADIUS server is used for 802.1X authentication.
– All — Indicates the RADIUS server is used for authenticating user names and passwords, and 802.1X port
Remove — Removes a RADIUS server. The possible eld values are:
– Checked — Removes the selected RADIUS server.
– Unchecked — Maintains the RADIUS servers. This is the default value.
2. Click . The Add Radius Server Page opens:
Figure 37: Add Radius Server Page
3. Dene the elds.
4. Click . The RADIUS server is added, and the
device is updated.
To modify RADIUS server settings: