
11.3.5 Dening SNMP Communities
Access rights are managed by dening communities in the SNMP Communities Page. When the community names are
changed, access rights are also changed. SNMP communities are dened only for SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c.
To dene SNMP communities:
1. Click System > SNMP Management > Security > Communities. The SNMP Security Communities Page opens:
Figure 109: SNMP Security Communities Page
The SNMP Security Communities Page is divided into the
following tables:
Basic Table
Advanced Table SNMP Communities Basic Table
The SNMP Communities Basic Table contains the following elds:
Management Station — Displays the management station IP address for which the basic SNMP community is dened.
Community String — Denes the password used to authenticate the management station to the device.
Access Mode — Denes the access rights of the community. The possible eld values are:
Read Only — Management access is restricted to read-only, and changes cannot be made to the community.
Read Write — Management access is read-write and changes can be made to the device conguration, but not to the
SNMP Admin — User has access to all device conguration options, as well as permissions to modify the community.
View Name — Contains a list of user-dened SNMP views
Remove — Removes a community. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected SNMP community.
Unchecked — Maintains the SNMP communities. SNMP Communities Advanced Table
The SNMP Communities Advanced Table contains the following elds:
Management Station — Displays the management station IP address for which the advanced SNMP community is
Community String — Denes the password used to authenticate the management station to the device.
Group Name — Denes advanced SNMP community group names.
Remove — Removes a community. The possible eld values are:
Checked — Removes the selected SNMP communities.
Unchecked — Maintains the SNMP communities.
2. Click . The Add SNMP Community Page opens:
Figure 110: Add SNMP Community Page
3. Define the SNMP Management Station, Community
String, and Basic or Advanced elds.
4. Click . The SNMP community is added, and