
Account Name:
Enter the account name of L2TP/PPTP tunnel.
It should be configured
identically on server and client.
Enter the password of L2TP/PPTP tunnel. It should be configured
identically on server and client.
Select the network mode for the tunnel. Options include:
LAN-to-LAN: Select this option when the L2TP/PPTP client is a
LAN. The tunneling request is always initiated by a router.
Client-to-LAN: Select this option when the L2TP/PPTP client is a
single PC.
Max Connections:
Specify the maximum connections that the tunnel can support. This
item is available for Client-to-LAN tunnel type on Server mode.
Specify the WAN port to transmit the packets. This item is available
for Client mode.
L2TP/PPTP Server:
Enter the IP address of L2TP/PPTP server. (It’s always the WAN IP
address of the remote peer of L2TP/PPTP tunnel.) This item is
available for Client mode.
Specify whether to enable the encryption for the tunnel. If enabled,
the L2TP tunnel will be encrypted by IPsec, and the PPTP tunnel will
be encrypted by MPPE.
Pre-shard Key:
Enter the Pre-shared Key for IKE authentication. This item is available
for L2TP tunnel.
Enter the IP address of the client which is allowed to connect to this
L2TP/PPTP server. The default IP "" means any IP address is
IP Pool:
Select the IP Pool Name to specify the address range for the server's
IP assignment. This item is available for Server mode.
Remote Subnet:
Enter the IP address range of your remote network. (It's always the IP
address range of LAN on the remote peer of VPN tunnel.) It’s the
combination of IP address and subnet mask.