
printing 12 4
saving MMS attachments 108
sending in email messages 81
sending in MMS messages 108
syncing 53, 57, 11 7
taking 12 6
using as wallpaper 36, 12 4, 192
playing music during slideshow 120
settings 12 0, 211
viewing slideshows 12 0
zooming photos 11 9
See also Camera
pictures. See Camera, Photos
PIN number 207
alerts 168
following artists and friends 167
in iTunes Store 167
restricting 197
while listening to music 94
Pinyin 249, 253
play, status icon 18
playlist folders 56, 92
playlists 99
downloading 172
streaming 172
syncing 53, 56
pop-ups 208
Portrait orientation lock status icon 18
power adapter 11
power, low 49
music 17 0
ringtones 169
text messages 11 0
videos 17 0
Print Center 42
AirPrint printers 41
cancelling 42
email messages and attachments 80
overview 41
photos 12 4
setting up 41
status 42
webpages 89
proles, settings 201
purchased content, syncing 173, 180
apps 175
music 165, 17 0
ringtones 169
videos 17 0
push accounts 52, 203
reading email 76
recent calls 60
rechargeable batteries 49
redialing last phone number 61
removing backups 256
renting movies and TV shows 56, 102, 103, 17 0
repeating songs 94
replacing battery 49, 259
replying to messages 81
requirements for using iPhone 19
resetting iPhone 51, 254
resizing webpage columns 86
restarting 51, 254
restoring iPhone software 256
restoring settings and information 257
restrictions, setting 196
ring mode 13, 72, 191
adjusting volume 12, 191
turning on or o 191
Ring/Silent switch 13, 72
previewing 169
purchasing 169
setting 72, 191
syncing 53
roaming 73
Romaji 253
rotor control 234
anti-phishing 208
AutoFill 88, 208
bookmarking webpages 89
clearing cache 209
cookies 208
creating a new or adding to an existing
contact 87
creating a preaddressed Mail message 87
Debug Console 209
developer settings 209
fraud warning 208
Home screen web clips 90
JavaScript 208
navigating 87
opening webpages 85, 87
pop-ups 208
printing webpages 89
reloading webpages 86
resizing columns to t screen 86
restricting 196
saving images to your Photo Library 87
searching 88