Calling Phone Numbers (Digit Dialing)
To voice dial a number that is not stored in your Contacts list:
Select Main Menu > Tools > Voice Control > Call [Name]
[Type]/ [Number].
2. Say “Call” followed immediately by a valid string of
digits to be dialed, for example, say “Call 555 6666.”
3. If the correct number is repeated, say “Yes” to dial the
selected number.
Speak naturally and clearly and remember to speak one digit
at a time—1-800 should be pronounced “One Eight Zero
Using Send Msg to [Name / Type / Number]
With a single voice command you can launch the email
message client on the phone and specify a recipient for the
email message. An email address must be associated with a
Contacts entry. If there is no email address registered, the
screen will prompt you to add a new email address to the
Contacts entry.
To send an email message:
Select Main Menu > Tools > Voice Control > Send Msg to
[Name] [Type]/[Number].
2. Say “Send” followed immediately by the name of a
person in your Contacts list and, optionally, the type of
number you want to send it to. For example, say “Send
Email John Smith.”
The contact must have a previously entered email address
as part of their profile. If there is no current email, you will
be prompted to use the phone’s keypad to enter a new
email address before continuing.
Section 1H: Using Your Phone’s Voice Services 99
Voice Services