
Contacts Entry Options
To access a Contacts entry’s options, from the Contacts list
display, select an entry and press . Then highlight a phone
number and press (right softkey).
Edit to edit the selected entry.
Call to dial the selected phone number.
Call:Speaker On to dial the selected phone number in
speakerphone mode.
Send Text to send a text message. (See page 98 for details.)
Call Alarm to set a call alarm to the entry (see page 69).
Set Speed Dial to assign the speed dial numbers to the entry
(see page 64).
Set Voice Tag to set a voice dial tag for the entry (see page 76).
Prepend to alter a phone number by adding numbers to the
beginning of the entry. (See “Prepending a Phone Number
From Call History” on page 58.)
Copy to Prsnl to copy the phone number to your 10-4 Personal
List (only appears when 10-4 mode is set to Enable and the
number does not match any stored entry in your Personal
Send Contact to send the Contacts entry to another Bluetooth
Tip: You can view the next or previous entry by pressing the navigation
key right or left.
Adding a Phone Number to a Contacts Entry
1. From the Contacts list display, select the Contacts entry you
wish to add a phone number to and press .
2. Press (right softkey) > Edit; or (right softkey) if a
URL or email address is selected.
3. Select the box next to the icon and press .
4. Enter the number and press .
5. Select a label for the number and press .
6. Press (left softkey).