Chapter 5, Advanced Operations
Status Reporting
Table 24 shows the Hardware Status Register Group #1’s Condition Register bit
Table 24 Hardware Status Register Group #1, Condition Register Bit Assignments
Condition Comment
15 32768 Not Used (Always 0) Defined by SCPI Version 1994.0
14 16384 Radio Interface Card Interrupt
#2 Tripped
13 8192 Radio Interface Card Interrupt
#1 Tripped
12 4096 Signaling Decoder
Measurement Results
11 2048 Signaling Decoder Input Level
Too Low
10 1024 Signaling Decoder is
9 512 Signaling Decoder is Armed
8 256 Signaling Encoder Sending
Auxiliary Information
If the Signaling Mode selected has two
information fields, such as the AMPS Filler
and Message fields, and both fields are being
sent, this bit will be set.
7 128 Signaling Encoder Sending
If the Signaling Mode selected has only one
information field and the field is being sent, this
bit will be set high. If the Signaling Mode
selected has two information fields, such as the
AMPS Filler and Message fields, and only
one field is being sent, this bit will be set high.
This bit is not active if the Signaling Encoder
Mode is set to Function Generator.
6 64 Communication Register
Group Summary Message
1 = one or more of the enabled events have
occurred since the last reading or clearing of the
Event Register.