Chapter 1, Using GPIB
Overview of the Test Set
External Automatic Control Mode
In External Automatic Control mode the Test Set’s operation is controlled by an
external controller connected to the Test Set through the GPIB interface. When in
External Automatic Control mode the Test Set’s internal configuration is the same
as in Manual Control Mode with two exceptions:
1. Configuration and setup commands are received through the external GPIB interface,
select code 7, rather than from the front-panel keypad/rotary knob.
2. The MEASure command is used to obtain measurement results and DUT data through
the external GPIB interface.
Figure 1 on page 32
shows how information is routed inside the Test Set in Manual
Control mode.
Figure 1 on page 32 also shows that certain Test Set resources are
dedicated to the IBASIC Controller (Memory Card, ROM disk, Serial Interface
#10) and are not directly accessible to the user in Manual Control Mode. In
Figure 1 on page 32 shows that Serial Interface #9 and Parallel Printer
Interface #15 are accessible as write-only interfaces for printing in Manual
Control mode. These same conditions are true when in External Automatic
Control mode. If the user wished to access these resources from an external
controller, an IBASIC program would have to be run on the Test Set from the
external controller.