Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
DOS and LIF File System Considerations
Initializing Media for DOS or LIF File System
The INITIALIZE command is used to initialize a media (external hard disk,
external 3.5-inch floppy disk, Epson SRAM Card, PCMCIA SRAM Card and
RAM Disk) for use with the DOS or LIF file system. The DOS or LIF file system
is specified with the parameter. LIF is the default.
Test Set File Types
The Test Set file system supports the following file types:
• ASCII - files containing ASCII characters
• BDAT - files containing binary data
• DIR - DOS subdirectory
• HP-UX - STOREd code file
Storing Code Files
Two IBASIC commands are available for storing program code to a mass storage
location: SAVE and STORE. The type of file created by the Test Set’s file system
when the program code is stored, is dependent upon the format of the media being
used. The type of file created verses the media format is outlined in
Table 37.
Files that have been stored using the SAVE command must be retrieved using the
GET command:
SAVE "FM_TEST:,704,1"
GET "FM_TEST:,704,1"
Files that have been stored using the STORE command must be retrieved using
the LOAD command:
STORE "FM_TEST:,704,1"
LOAD "FM_TESTS:,704,1"
Table 37 Stored Program Code File Types
DOS Formatted Media LIF Formatted Media