
Chapter 3, GPIB Command Guidelines
Guidelines for Operation
Sample GPIB Program
The following program was written on an HP
9000 Series 300 controller using
Rocky Mountain BASIC (RMB). To run this program directly in the Test Set’s
IBASIC Controller make the following modifications:
1. Use exclamation marks (!) to comment-out lines 440, 450, and 460 (these commands
not supported in IBASIC).
2. Change line 70 to Bus = 8 (internal GPIB select code = 8).
10 ! This program generates an FM carrier, measures and displays the
20 !deviation, and draws the modulation waveform from the
30 !oscilloscope to the CRT display. For demonstration purposes the
40 ! carrier is generated and analyzed through the uncalibrated input
50! path so that no external cables are required.
60 GCLEAR !Clear graphics display.
70 Bus=7 ! Interface select code of GPIB interface
80 Dut=100*Bus+14 ! Default Test Set GPIB address is 14
90 CLEAR Bus ! Good practice to clear the bus
100 CLEAR SCREEN ! Clear the CRT
110 OUTPUT Dut;"*RST" ! Preset the Test Set
120 OUTPUT Dut;"DISP DUPL" ! Display the DUPLEX TEST screen
130 OUTPUT Dut;"RFG:AMPL -14 DBM" ! Set RF Gen Amptd to -14 dBm
140 OUTPUT Dut;"AFAN:INP ’FM Demod’"
150 ! Set AF Analyzer’s input to FM Demod
160 OUTPUT Dut;"AFAN:DET 'Pk+-Max'"
170 ! Set AF Analyzer’s detector to Peak +/-Max
180 ! The following trigger guarantees the instrument will auto-tune
190 !and auto-range to the input signal before measuring.
200 OUTPUT Dut;"TRIG"! Trigger all active measurements
210 OUTPUT Dut;"MEAS:AFR:FM?" ! Request an FM deviation measurement
220 ENTER Dut;Dev ! Read measured value into variable Dev
230 PRINT USING "K,D.DDD,K";"Measured FM = ",Dev/1000," kHz peak."
240 DISP "'Continue' when ready..." ! Set up user prompt
245 ! Set up interrupt on softkey 1
250 ON KEY 1 LABEL "Continue",15 GOTO Proceed
260 LOOP! Loop until the key is pressed
280 Proceed: OFF KEY! Turn off interrupt from softkey 1
290 DISP "! Clear the user prompt
300 !
310 !Measure and plot oscilloscope trace to see the waveform shape.
320 DIM Trace(0:416)! Oscilloscope has 417 trace points
330 OUTPUT Dut;"DISP OSC" Display the Oscilloscope screen
340 OUTPUT Dut;"TRIG"! Trigger all active measurements
360 !Request the oscilloscope trace
370 ENTER Dut;Trace(*)