Chapter 6, Memory Cards/Mass Storage
Mass Storage Access
Mass Storage Access
Program and data files stored on the Test Set’s various mass storage locations can
be selectively accessed from the following screens:
• The TESTS (IBASIC Controller) screen.
Any type of file can be accessed from this screen, either through an IBASIC program
or the IBASIC command line.
• The TESTS (Main Menu) screen using the Select Procedure Location: and
Select Procedure Filename: fields.
Only procedure files shipped with Agilent 11807 software or procedure files created
using the TESTS (Save/Delete Procedure) screen of the TESTS Subsystem can be
accessed using these fields. When created, procedure file names are prefixed with a
lower case p (pFM_TEST).
A corresponding code file - prefixed with a lower case c (cFM_TEST) on the - must
reside on the same media for the procedure to work. Refer to the TESTS screen
description in the User’s Guide for further information on the TESTS Subsystem.
• The TESTS (Save/Delete Procedure) screen using the Select Procedure
Location: and Enter Procedure Filename: fields.
This screen is used to create “procedure” files. When created, procedure file names are
prefixed with a lower case p (pFM_TEST).
• The Signaling Decoder screen in NMT mode.
Only user-written NMT tests can be accessed from this screen. NMT test files must be
saved with a lower case n prefix (nNMT_1) on the Test Set.
Save/Recall register files, stored on the Test Set’s various mass storage locations,
can be accessed using the front-panel SAVE and RECALL keys.