Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Method #1. Program Development on an External BASIC Language Computer
NOTE: The dedicated GPIB interface at select code 8 conforms to the IEEE 488.2 Standard in all
respects but one. The difference being that each instrument on the bus does not have a
unique address. The Instrument Control Hardware determines which instrument is being
addressed with the command syntax. As such an explicit device address does not have to
be specified. The address 800 and 814 are equally correct.
Downloading Programs to the Test Set through GPIB
An IBASIC PROGram subsystem has been developed to allow the external
BASIC language controller to download programs to the Test Set through GPIB
(refer to the
“PROGram Subsystem Commands” on page 398 for more information
on the PROGram Subsystem). Four commands from the external BASIC
language controller to the Test Set are necessary to transfer the program. The
commands are executed serially allowing enough time for each command to finish
executing. (The Test Set’s GPIB
Mode field must be set to Talk&Lstn, and the
TESTS (IBASIC CONTROLLER) screen must be displayed).
Deletes any programs that reside in Test Set RAM.
2. OUTPUT 714;"PROG:DEF #0"
Defines the address in Test Set RAM where the downloaded program will be stored.
3. LIST #714
Causes all program lines to transfer over GPIB to the Test Set which is at address
4. OUTPUT 714;" "END
Defines end of download process by generating an EOI command.
After the above commands complete the program code will be in the Test Set
ready to run. If any bugs are detected when the program is run, the program can be
uploaded back into the external BASIC language controller to correct the error.
Alternately the full screen IBASIC EDIT function through RS-232 can be used to
correct the error (refer to
“Method #2. Developing Programs on the Test Set Using
the IBASIC EDIT Mode” on page 381
for details).
After the program is working properly in the Test Set IBASIC environment, it
should be stored for backup purposes.