Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
Important Notes for Program Development
Important Notes for Program Development
The Test Set is designed to operate the same way under automatic control as it
does under manual control. This has several implications when designing and
writing programs for the Test Set:
• To automate a particular task, determine how to do the task manually and then duplicate
the steps in the program.
• In Manual Control mode, a Test Set function must be displayed and “active” to make a
measurement or receive DUT data. Therefore, to make a measurement using an
IBASIC program, follow these basic steps:
1. Use the DISPlay command to select the screen for the instrument whose front panel
contains the desired measurement result or data field (such as AF ANALYZER).
2. Set the measurement field (such as SINAD) to the ON state.
3. Trigger a reading.
4. Read the result.
NOTE: The following sections discuss developing IBASIC programs which do not use the TESTS
Subsystem. Programs written for the TESTS Subsystem require the creation of supporting
Library, Procedure, and Code files, and must be written using a specific program structure.
The Agilent 11807A Radio Test Software packages are examples of this type of program.
Refer to the “Writing Programs For the TESTS Subsystem” on page 420 for
information on writing programs for the TESTS Subsystem.