Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
:WAIT? The :WAIT? query command stops the Test Set from executing any
commands or queries received through GPIB until after the IBASIC program exits
the RUN state, that is - the program is either PAUSED or STOPPED. A 1 is
returned in response to the :WAIT? query command when the IBASIC program is
either stopped or paused.
CAUTION: When the :WAIT? query command is sent to the Test Set the program running on the external
controller will hang on the enter or input statement until the IBASIC program is either
STOPPED or PAUSED. This is due to the fact that the GPIB bus and the external controller will
be in a temporary holdoff state while waiting for the Test Set to put a 1 into the Output queue to
satisfy the :WAIT? query command.
OUTPUT 714;"PROGram:SELected:WAIT?"
ENTER 714;Dummy
ENTER 714;Dummy
Consider the following example where the user wishes to determine, from an
external controller, if the IBASIC program running on the Test Set has finished
executing. The example programs show how this might be accomplished with and
without using the :WAIT? query command.