606 Update of Input Module Relay Switch Count file failed.
Indicates that the Test Set was not able to update the Input Module Relay Switch Count
EEPROM file with the current switch count data from the non-volatile RAM switch count
array. This error is most probably generated as a result of a hardware error or failure. Refer
to the Test Set’s Assembly Level Repair for diagnostic information.
607 Checksum of Non-Volatile RAM Relay Count data bad.
Indicates that the Test Set was not able to generate the proper checksum for the Input
Module Relay Switch Count data from the non-volatile RAM switch count array. This
error is most probably generated as a result of a hardware error or failure. Refer to the Test
Set’s for diagnostic information.
608 Initialization of Input Module Relay Count file failed.
Indicates that the Test Set was not able to initialize the Input Module Relay Switch Count
EEPROM file during installation of a new input module. This error is most probably
generated as a result of a hardware error or failure. Refer to the Test Set’s for diagnostic
1300 Order attempted while not in Connect state.
Indicates that an attempt was made to send an order type Mobile Station Control Message
(that is - order a change in power level, put the mobile station in maintenance mode, or
send an alert message to the mobile station) when the Call Processing Subsystem was not
in the Connect state.
1301 Handoff attempted while not in Connect state.
Indicates that an attempt was made to handoff a mobile station to a new voice channel
when the Call Processing Subsystem was not in the Connect state.
1302 Release attempted while not in Connect state.
Indicates that an attempt was made to send a Release message to a mobile station when the
Call Processing Subsystem was not in the Connect state.
Error −1303 Page attempted while not in Active state.
Indicates that an attempt was made to Page a mobile station when the Call Processing
Subsystem was not in the Active state.