
RESet, 184
STATe, 183
STATe?, 183
VALue, 184
VALue?, 184
CALLP, 122
CONFigure, 117
BADDress, 200
CPRocess, 122
DECoder, 141
diagram structure, 92
DISPlay, 145, 204
DUNits, 76
DUNits?, 77
ENCoder, 102
front panel keys, 180
guidelines, 71
DUNits, 187
DUNits?, 187
EXCeeded?, 188
RESet, 189
STATe, 185
STATe?, 186
VALue, 186
VALue?, 188
HP-IB only commands, 167
INCRement, 189, 193
DIVide, 192
DUNits, 191
DUNits?, 191
MODE, 190
MODE?, 190
MULTiply, 192
INCRement?, 190
Integer Number Setting, 174
DUNits, 187
DUNits?, 187
EXCeeded?, 188
RESet, 189
STATe, 185
STATe?, 186
VALue, 186
VALue?, 188
MEASure, 147
RESet, 201
HEND, 195
DUNits, 196
DUNits?, 196
HEND?, 195
INTerval, 194
INTerval?, 194
LEND, 195
DUNits, 196
DUNits?, 196
LEND?, 195
STATe, 193
STATe?, 194
Multiple Number Measurement, 179
Multiple Real Number Setting, 176
Number Measurement, 177
OSCilloscope, 154
PROGram, 159
Real Number Setting, 175
DUNits, 199
DUNits?, 199
STATe, 197
STATe?, 197
VALue, 198
VALue?, 198
REGister, 160
CLEar, 203
RECall, 202
SAVE, 202
RFANalyzer, 161
RFGenerator, 163
RINTerface, 164
SANalyzer, 165
SPECial, 167
STATe, 87
STATe?, 88
STATus, 168, 169
TESTs, 170
TRIGger, 173
ABORt, 228
IMMediate, 228
MODE, 229
UNITs, 79
UNITs?, 80
use of single quotes, 41
use of spaces, 41, 72
using colons to separate commands, 73
using question mark to query setting/
field, 74
using quotes for strings, 72
using semicolon colon command sepa-
rator, 73, 238
using semicolon to output multiple
commands, 73
using upper/lower case letters, 71
HP-IB only commands
HP-IB command syntax diagram, 167