Text Only GPIB Errors
Un-numbered (text only) GPIB error messages are generally self-explanatory. For
example, trying to retrieve a saved register that does not exist generates the following
error message:
HP-IB Error: Register does not exist.
The following list contains a subset of the Test Set’s text only GPIB error messages. These
messages represent error conditions which may require explanation in addition to the error
message text.
HP-IB Error during Procedure catalog. Check Config.
This error occurs when the Test Set fails to access an external GPIB disk drive when
trying to obtain a catalog of procedure files. This would occur when the Select
Procedure Location: field on the TESTS (Main Menu) screen is set to Disk and
the operator then tries to select a procedure filename using the Select Procedure
FIlename: field. Ensure that the Mode field on the I/O CONFIGURE screen is set to
Control and that the External Disk Specification field on the TESTS
(External Devices) screen has the correct mass storage volume specifier for the external
disk drive.
HP-IB Query Error. Check instrument state.
This message usually appears when the control program queries a measurement that is not
currently available (on the currently displayed screen and in the ON state), such as
querying the TX Frequency measurement when TX Freq Error is displayed.
This message may also be immediately followed by the message,
HP-IB Error: