Chapter 7, IBASIC Controller
PROGram Subsystem
:NUMber <varname>{,<nvalues>} The :NUMBer command is used to set, from
an external controller, the value of numeric variables or arrays in an IBASIC
program in the Test Set. <varname> is the name of an existing numeric variable or
array, and can be sent as either character data (<varname> not enclosed in quotes)
or string data (<varname> enclosed in quotes). <nvalues> is a list of comma-
separated <numeric_values> which are used to set the value of <varname>.
NOTE: If the variable name <var_name> is longer than 12 characters it must be sent as string data
(<var_name> enclosed in quotes). For example, OUTPUT 714;"PROG:NUMB
Attempting to send a <var_name> longer than 12 characters as character data
(<var_name> not enclosed in quotes) will generate the following error:
HP-IB Error: -112 Program mnemonic too long.
If an attempt is made to set the value of a numeric variable or array and no
IBASIC program is in the Test Set an
IBASIC Error: -282 Illegal
program name
is generated. If an attempt is made to set the value of a numeric
variable or array and the numeric variable specified in <varname> does not exist
in the program an
IBASIC Error: -283 Illegal variable name is
generated. If the specified numeric variable cannot hold all of the specified
<numeric_values> an
IBASIC Error: -108 Parameter not allowed is
PROGram[:SELected]:NUMBer <varname>{,<nvalues>}
Example setting the value of a simple variable
OUTPUT 714;"PROGram:SELected:NUMBer Variable,15"
OUTPUT 714;"PROG:NUMB Variable,15"
Example setting the value of a one dimensional array [Array(5)] with 6 elements
OUTPUT 714;"PROGram:SELected:NUMBer Array,0,1,2,3,4,5"
OUTPUT 714;"PROG:NUMB Array,0,1,2,3,4,5"
NOTE: Individual array elements cannot be set with the :NUMBer command.