REF SET - setting reference point via
HP-IB, 198
REF SET - turning ON/OFF via HP-IB,
turning ON and OFF, 87
using AVG via HP-IB, 182
using HI LIMIT via HP-IB, 185
using INCR SET via HP-IB, 189
using INCR Up/Down (Arrow keys)
via HP-IB, 193
using LO LIMIT via HP-IB, 185
using METER via HP-IB, 193
using REF SET via HP-IB, 197
Default file system, 324
CALL CONFIGURE screen, 519
Disk drives
external, 328, 351
external - default mass storage volume
specifier, 332
external - initializing media for, 351
HP-IB command syntax diagram, 145
querying displayed screen via HP-IB,
selecting screens via HP-IB, 204
Display Units, 75
DOS file names, 334
DOS file system, 334
initializing media for, 338
restrictions, 339
Downloading programs to Test Set, 379,
pre-modulation filters, 101
EPSON card (see Memory card), 323,
329, 330, 341
Error Message Queue Group, 264
accessing the error message queue, 265
Error messages, 539
format of, 540
types of, 539
Example Programs, 520
comments, 528
polling example program, 530
SRQ example program, 522
extended address word
order, 502
reverse control channel, 470
voice channel assignment, 504
External Automatic Control Mode, 30
External controller, 26, 30, 44
External disk drives, 325, 328, 351
initializing media for, 338, 351
FCC mobile station control word 2
order, 502
voice channel assignment, 504
FCC mobile station control, word 1, 501
File names
conflicts, 336
recommendations, 337
File system
backing up files, 346
copying volume, 347
DOS, 334
DOS file names, 334
file name conflicts, 336
file naming recommendations, 337
file types, 338
initializing media, 338, 345, 350, 351
LIF, 334
LIF file names, 334
naming files, 334
storing code files, 338
File types, 338
backing up, 346
copying, 347
storing, 338
Firmware error
non-recoverable, 547
first word of called address, 473
Front panel
functions not programmable, 47
ON/OFF key, 87, 180
Front panel keys
CANCEL key, 180
ENTER key, 180
HOLD key, 205
HP-IB command syntax, 180
k1-k5, k1’-k3’ keys, 205
LOCAL key, 201
MEAS RESET key, 201
NO key, 180
PRESET key, 201
PREV key, 205
PRINT key, 205
RECALL key, 202
SAVE key, 202
SHIFT key, 180