Chapter 7: Auto Attendant Configuration
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 99
To use the Collect Digits action:
1. Select the Adv. - Collect Digits action, then set the following additional
Figure 3. Collect digits
• Text Tag—a tag name, which is critical for the following operations:
• For CDR logging, the IVRData field will log the collected digits as "Tag=xxxxx".
For example, if tag is configured as "Account" and collected digits is "67663",
the CDR database will log "
Account=67663" in the IVRData field.
• For AltiAgent client display, the above example is displayed as
"Account=67663" on the View > IVRData section.
• For CDR Search, the above example is displayed as "Account=67663" on the
IVRData column.
• To display collected digits on the IP phone, you need to set the tag as "DISP"
(stands for "Display" and is case-sensitive. The Phone Display/Name Line of
the extension configuration needs to be configured as IVR Data (Display).
This feature supports inbound trunk calls only.
• Min. Length—the minimum length of digits to be collected.
• Max. Length—the maximum length of digits to be collected.
• PSTN Call Inter-Digit Timeout—the length of time the system will wait
between collecting of digits before timing out.
• Inter-Digit Timeout after Max Length—the length of time the system will wait
after the maximum length of digits is collected.
• Web Call Response Timeout—the length of time the system will wait for digits
after responding to a Web call before timeout.