
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 79
Gateway Management
The softswitch architecture used in AltiWare release 5.1 allows multiple AltiGen servers
to be configured as AltiGateways. Each gateway is controlled by the AltiWare 5.1
software, rather than by the hardware as in traditional switching center technology.
An AltiGateway, then, is a telephony server with AltiGen telephony hardware and AltiGen
gateway software that is connected to AltiWare. For a single-server installation, both the
AltiWare switching service and the AltiGateway service are installed on the same server.
In a multi-server installation, additional AltiGateways attach to AltiWare via a LAN.
Figure 1. Multiple AltiGateways connected through a LAN
To configure multiple AltiGen servers to work as one system, one server is designated
as the primary server. AltiWare is installed on this server only. Other servers in the
system should have only the gateway service installed.