Chapter 3: Getting Around AltiWare Administrator 5.1
46 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
The Reset button resets the selected extension to the idle status. You’ll be asked to
confirm the reset.
You can click the Reset button without selecting an extension, and then type in the
extension number for the extension to reset.
Trunk View Window
The Trunk View window displays the status of all assigned trunks.
Figure 5. Trunk View window
The radio button to the left of each trunk location is green when the trunk is idle, and
red when the extension is not ready or in use. The location format is logical board
ID:channel—for example, channel 3 on the board in logical board ID 9 is location 09:03.
The Type, Status and Duration of trunk use is also displayed.
Note: The Duration field displays the duration of the trunk only if the call is connected
after AltiWare Administrator is started. The field will be empty if the trunk is idle,
not ready, out of service, or the call was connected prior to AltiWare
Administrator being launched.
You can double-click any trunk location to open the Trunk Configuration window for the
selected trunk.
The Reset button resets the selected trunk(s) to the idle status if the trunk is connected
to a carrier. You’ll be asked to confirm the reset, and a status message will tell you if
the reset was successful.
Right-click a trunk to
display its physical
location or to open a
trunk line properties
window specific to
the selected trunk.