Chapter 22: Workgroup Configuration
284 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
Note: For the settings configured on the Skill Based Routing tab to take effect, you
must select the Skill-Based Routing option on the Call Handling tab of the
Workgroup Configuration window (see “Setting IntraGroup Call Distribution” on
page 294).
To define a skill for a workgroup:
1. Select a workgroup in the Group List.
2. Double-click a skill number in the Skill Definition list, or select a skill number and
click the Edit button.
3. In the Skill Level Name dialog box, enter the skill name in the Description field,
then click OK.
Figure 7. Skill Level Name dialog box
The description appears in the Skill Definition list for that skill number.
Setting Rules for Skill Based Routing
The Skill Coverage Rule on the Skill Based Routing tab establishes the pool of agents
who can handle a particular workgroup call, based on the SKLR setting for that call. The
group may comprise:
• Only agents assigned that skill number
• Agents with a given skill number and lower
• Agents with a given skill number and higher
This setting must be configured.
To further help ensure that a workgroup is handling calls in a timely manner, you can
specify how many seconds a caller can be in queue before opening the call to agents with
the next skill number up or the next skill number down, in successive steps.
To set skill-based routing rules:
1. In the Workgroup Configuration window, Skill Based Routing tab, select the
workgroup for which you want to set the rules.
2. Select an Agent’s Coverage Rule
• Exact Match SKLR of Incoming Call
Only agents whose skill number matches the SKLR of the incoming call can answer
the call. For example, if you have three callers with SKLR equal to 2 in the
workgroup queue, and all agents with skill level 2 are busy, and there are agents
with skill level 1 and 3 who are idle, the system will keep the callers in queue
waiting for an agent with skill level 2 to be available.
• Equal or Lower than SKLR of Incoming Call
Any agent whose skill number is equal to or lower than the SKLR of the incoming
call may handle this call. Agents with the lowest skill number are rung first. With
this option, that would be agents whose skill number is 1. Set the SKLR (see page
283) as if you were setting a ceiling on the resources you are willing to use for