Chapter 5: Gateway Management
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 81
Setting Parameters
To read or set parameters for a specific gateway, first select the gateway in the All
Gateways list. After making changes to a gateway, click Apply before selecting another
gateway. When you are finished with the window, click Close.
Parameter Description
All Gateways Lists all gateways that have been added using
the Add button in this window.
Status Shows the status of the selected gateway:
active, disconnected, initializing, resetting,
failed. (Read-only field.)
Name The name you gave the selected gateway for
easy identification.
Address The IP address of the selected gateway.
Password The password assigned to the selected gateway.
(Each AltiGateway has its own password.)
Country The country where the gateway resides. This
configuration determines what tone table will be
used for the gateway. Extension users assigned
to this gateway will hear different off-hook and
busy tones, for example, if this parameter is set
differently from the AltiWare system setting.
Home IP Exts The number of IP extensions that have been
assigned to the selected gateway in the
Extension Configuration window. (Read-only
field.) This information will help you configure
sufficient resources for IP phones on each
CT-Bus Mode The CT bus is the telephony switching bus that
connects all telephony boards inside each
gateway. It can be set as Mu-Law or A-Law. The
default is Mu-Law for North America. For
European countries and regions that are using
E1 digital trunk, this setting needs to be changed
to A-Law.