
Chapter 14: Out Call Routing Configuration
186 AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual
You would like to block a dialing pattern in addition to system restriction setting.
Dialing patterns are exceptions. If you can, minimize the number of dialing pattern
entries. Most companies don’t need to create dialing patterns.
To create a dialing pattern
1. Click the Dialing Pattern tab on the Out Call Routing Configuration window.
Figure 3. Out Call Routing Configuration, Dialing Pattern tab
2. Click the Add button. The following dialog box appears:
3. Type in the prefix and pattern length, and click OK.
4. Assign routes to this prefix by selecting routes from the drop-down lists in the Route
Priority section of the Dialing Pattern tab.
5. If this is a restricted number or pattern, skip step 4 and check the Disallow this
dialing pattern check box.
To delete a dialing pattern
Select the pattern you want to delete, and click the Delete button.