
Chapter 1: Overview
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 13
Assigning skill level requirement (SKLR) to caller
Assigning skill level (SKL) to agent
Matching caller’s SKLR to agent’s SKL
Setting skill coverage and escalation rules
Supervisor Silent Listen - allows a workgroup supervisor to silently listen to a call
between workgroup agent and caller. Personal calls can also be silently listened to by a
workgroup supervisor.
Supervisor Barge In - allows a workgroup supervisor to barge into a call between
workgroup agent and caller. Personal calls can also be barged in to by a workgroup
Supervisor Coach (Whisper) - allows a workgroup supervisor talk to a workgroup
agent without the other party hearing.
Queue Overflow Handling - routes incoming calls to an alternate destination when the
queue reaches one of the following conditions:
Calls in queue exceed defined limit
Longest queue time exceeds defined limit
Specified percentage of calls in queue with queue time longer than defined service
level threshold
Workgroup activity data logging - in addition to CDR data, the following data are
logged to a database during workgroup operation:
Agent activity - Login, Logout, Not-Ready, Wrapup, DND/FWD, Error
Agent’s call summary per workgroup
Agent’s call statistics for all workgroups
Workgroup operation summary
Workgroup Activity Monitoring - allows real-time monitoring of workgroup
information—group status, call queue status, details of group queue entries, and agent
status. Activity summary is available through a group view window in AltiWare
Administrator, AltiAgent, and AltiSupervisor.
Workgroup Call Distribution - calls can be distributed to the first available group
member, or among group members according to the following options:
Ring First Available Member
Ring Next Available Member
Ring All Available Members
Ring Longest Idle Member
Ring Average Longest Idle Member
Ring Fewest Answered Calls
Ring Shortest Average Talk Time
Skill-Based Routing
Wrapup Time - allows a group member some time in between calls to wrap up on notes,
prepare for the next call, or log out of the group. This wrapup time is configurable on a
per-agent basis.