
Chapter 25: Enterprise VoIP Network Management
AltiWare ACM 5.1 Administration Manual 349
Changing an Extension’s Scope from Global to Local
If you want to change an extension's scope from Global to Local, you can highlight the
extension and click the Change All Global to Local button. This extension's scope in
other member systems will be impacted after Global is changed to Local. Using the
previous case as an example, you may encounter one of the following situations when
changing an extension's scope from Global to Local.
Situation 1: One Global and no conflict
Before you make the change, extension 100’s scope is as follows:
After you change extension 100 to Local, the scope of 100 will be:
Note: After you make the change, users in Systems B and C cannot dial and ring
extension 100. Only System A users can call local extension 100.
Situation 2: One or more Global with conflict
Before you make the change, the scope of extensions 403 and 404 is as follows:
After you change the two extensions to Local, their scope will be:
Ext. System A System B System C
100 Global Remote Remote
Ext. System A System B System C
100 Local Not Found Not Found
Ext. System A System B System C
403 Global Local Local
404 Global Global Local